Bandecchi, Massimo.

Massimo Bandecchi

Independent Consultant – former Head of Systems and Concurrent Engineering section at the European Space Agency (ESA)

Massimo Bandecchi is a leading expert in Systems and Concurrent Engineering (SE & CE) with more than 35 years’ experience in the Space sector.

Following his MSc graduation in Electronics Engineering at the University of Pisa (Italy), Massimo covered several system engineering roles as staff member of the European Space Agency (ESA). At the ESA Technical Centre (ESTEC), located in The Netherlands, he was the founding father and the first team leader of the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF), extensively used at ESA to effectively produce the decision making elements to select the future space missions and subsequently for requirement validation and consolidation, before starting the industrial project phase.

Exploiting the holistic multidisciplinary CE approach, the CDF allows the team of engineers and scientists to design a new mission in a quarter of the time, half of the cost and enhanced quality, with respect to the traditional sequential approach. Massimo managed the ESA CDF for over 20 years, promoting SE and CE among the ESA partners, as well as in other industrial domains and in academia. 


Cell phone: +31 6 150 54 178

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