Gratton, Livio.

Livio Gratton.

Secretary of Science and Technology of the Province of Salta.

Ph. D. on Aerospace Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology, focusing on airborne precision approach using GNSS. Some of the concepts developed in his research are implemented in Local Area Augmented Systems airport configurations. Former head of propulsion development of the Tronador II launcher project. Former dean of the Colomb and the Gulich space research institutes. Former head of the Higher Education Unit of CONAE, where he led the creation of three space related master of science programs in partnership with different national universities. Teaches Orbital Mechanics and Applications graduate course since 2014. Mention for bravery of the UN, for a rescue from a minefield during the Balkan´s conflict. Chairman of the three IAA Latin American Symposia on Small Satellites. Currently the Secretary of Science and Technology of the Province of Salta.

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