Early bird registration until September  15th

Distinguished Speakers

Massimo Bandecchi Independent Consultant – former Head of Systems and Concurrent Engineering section at the European Space Agency (ESA) Massimo Bandecchi […]

Livio Gratton. Secretary of Science and Technology of the Province of Salta. Ph. D. on Aerospace Engineering from the Illinois […]

Dr. Rodrigo Leonardi Director Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). Brasilia, Brazil. Dr. Rodrigo Leonardi graduated in mathematics from the University of […]

Dr. Benjamin K. Malphrus Executive Director of the Space Science Center Morehead State University, Morehead, KY, U.S.A. Dr. Benjamin K. Malphrus […]

Rainer Sandau Retired from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and acts currently as: He has led and been involved in […]

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