Call for Papers

Event: Latin American Conference on Small Satellite Technologies and Applications

Time and place: November 4th to 9th 2024; Salta, Argentina.

You are invited to contribute with a paper for presentation at the conference.

A one-page, single-spaced abstract of no less than 350 and no more than 600 words is required for the selection process.
The abstract must be in English. Student papers are encouraged.

Small satellite themes are recommended, but all topics related to space will be considered (there will be a special session for the later). The conference will have a worldwide vision, with some focus on the needs and developments of Latin America.

Presentations during the conference will be in English. Exceptionally, presentations in Spanish will be considered (translation services will be available during parts of the conference).

Abstract submission deadline: September 15th (later submissions will be accepted, with lower priority)

Acceptance notification: October 1st (for early notification, needed for authorization to travel or trip planning, please contact us, and it will be evaluated case by case.)

Early bird registration deadline: September 15th
Full paper submission deadline: November 4th (later submission will be accepted, but inclusion in proceedings is not guaranteed)

For abstract submission, please write to: 

For any question about the conference, please write to the same e-mail address, or call: +54-9-387-4256044.

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